Monday, 5 December 2011


Mediamorphosis, Understanding New Media, by Roger Fidler helped me in finding the opportunities for the industry as a part of our group essay, as it explains how the media has adapted to the new technologies that constantly get developed. One of the relevant quotes I found in this book was,
     'All forms of communication media coexist and coevolve within an expanding, complex adaptive system. As each new form emerges and develops, it influences, over time and to varying degrees, the development of every other existing form.'

This helps to explain my points that I made in the essay of how news media has developed from paper, to the television and radio, and now onto the internet and phone applications, and I see this technology developing further into new forms that will change the industry, and society, again and again.
     Technology is unstoppable, and as long as there are scientists and experts to create it, it will continue to evolve and shape our industry.

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