Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Facebook More Than Just Social Networking

Facebook is known as the worlds most popular and most used social network site, with its user rate increasing each year many companys have noticed this and are taking advantage of the high user and traffic rates. The site is able to be used as a multi media marketting tool, with many companys creating pages for their own products allow the product itself to gain more of a following and fan base. Some examples of this would be Cadburrys chocolate wispa campain which brought the well love Chocolate bar into being sold all year instead of just holiday periods and Mountin Drew Energy Drink which thanks to facebook is now a competitor to Luocazade and Red Bull other well known engery drinks sold on the UK market. This shows that  Facebook is a great way of using media convergence to promote a product to a wider audince faster and easier. Allowing compaines to use many new exciting mehtods of marketing such as online games,competitions and polls this allows customers and consumers to have more power in the shaping of a product or company thanks to the introduction media convergence.

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