Tuesday, 13 December 2011


A whole new way of directly accessing information instantly! These codes, thanks to media convergence, are making it easier to access information online. The can be found on highstreet posters and public transport, and its a great new way to go directly to the information you want to see.

Media Convergence - A Video Representation

A video representation of Media Convergence, a video produced by the group. Set in a news room, showing a contrast of the news today and the news in 1993, showing technology in a positive light by helping the news room. Although when we asked the public about smartphones, they don't always agree on the positive effect of the smartphone...

Print Based Media A Thing Of The Past

With the  introduction of eBooks and eBook Readers, one would argue that print based media is becoming a secondary and outdated source, with many eBook readers being able to store hundreds of books on one device. The most common and well known ebook reader is the Amazon kindle which was launched by Amazon in 2007 to allow customers to purchase books online and store them on multi platforms  This has created a revolution with reading making actual print books secondary and outdated.

The Revolution WILL Be Televised

A take on the original "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised", a political song addressing issues that are not publicised and often kept secret about. Smoove only this year remixed this song and in fact renamed it, saying The Revolution WILL Be Televised, the new version addresses our state of society today and how convergence is changing the way we live. How we "will be able to do everything you need from your potato couch" and how the revolution will "be recorded on miniDV and kept in the pocket, then transferred to all available formats".

The song is sung in a rap format, using different effects to represent its modernism, it is very fast representing the pace of life. The song also represents the working world "for those who won't be able to attend, except for live satellite link, due to their current revolutionary commitments". Representing the great use of technology in o ur world.

I think this song is a great conclusion of the digital convergence culture we live in. Have a listen!

Facebook More Than Just Social Networking

Facebook is known as the worlds most popular and most used social network site, with its user rate increasing each year many companys have noticed this and are taking advantage of the high user and traffic rates. The site is able to be used as a multi media marketting tool, with many companys creating pages for their own products allow the product itself to gain more of a following and fan base. Some examples of this would be Cadburrys chocolate wispa campain which brought the well love Chocolate bar into being sold all year instead of just holiday periods and Mountin Drew Energy Drink which thanks to facebook is now a competitor to Luocazade and Red Bull other well known engery drinks sold on the UK market. This shows that  Facebook is a great way of using media convergence to promote a product to a wider audince faster and easier. Allowing compaines to use many new exciting mehtods of marketing such as online games,competitions and polls this allows customers and consumers to have more power in the shaping of a product or company thanks to the introduction media convergence.

Online check in Good or Bad

Media Convergence is enriching our lives in every point, making things easier,faster and simple than ever before.  An example of this would be online check in services which some airlines offer. This allows people to check in 24 hours earlier and jump  queues, allowing faster access to flights. This  also means people can arrive at the later time and aren't forced to wait at the airport hours before. One may argue that this is a great invention, but however there are more risks within using such services E.G. increasing the risk and opportunity of fraud. Is it really a good idea to upload your personal details to a website you trust with your informaition? Which could be accessed by anyone who would have the ability to hack into the system. Yes media convergence offers many rewards but are these outweighed  by the risks, with more case of online fraud being reported and increasing  every year.

Everything is a Remix

New media is constantly being re-mixed, where we see original pieces of media beings adapted and mixed together to create something new and contemporary. This could suggest that although we are constantly discovering new types of media, the products we are producing are not exactly new, but simulacrums of other things. Below is a music video from Weezer, where we see a large variety of viral videos adapted to fit with their song. By this happening, we see how media convergence can affect every aspect of society, from the music industry to the average person surfing through YouTube.

Weezer - Pork and Beans
Romy :) 

Technology - The Mass Murderer

Is technology killing off our old fashioned ways? Do you find yourself sitting in front of a screen all day instead of interacting with actual human people?
The report below shows how technology has replaced some of our less practical but traditional ways.

The 50 things tech killed off:
1. Ring the cinema to find out times
2. Going into the travel agents to research a holiday
3. Record things using VHS
4. Dial directory enquiries
5. Use public telephones

Click the link for more...


Monday, 12 December 2011

Bad times for convergence in USA

Banned in Philadelphia! Texting While Walking

Philadelphia officials next month plan to use more “stick” in a program that takes a carrot-and-stick approach to bad behavior by people in cars, on bicycles, and on foot.

The program, dubbed “Give Respect, Get Respect,” was launched at the beginning of May, aimed at reining in bad behavior by motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians in Center City (see previous story).

Since then, some tickets, but mostly warnings have been handed out.

But Deputy Mayor Rina Cutler says starting in August, more citations will be issued...

Pedestrians who text while they walk without looking ahead will also be targeted

Banned in Philadelphia! Texting While Walking - Philadelphia - Fox Nation


Is media convergence taking over...
 are we even risking our own health and safety?

Thats what people in Philadelphia seem to think anyway, but are we becoming too reliant on technology as a society. People can be distracted by Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and the latest news and weather just on their phone alone. With voice command on Xbox because were too lazy to reach for the remote, and talking to our iphones looking slightly crazy because we can't be bothered to press a few buttons, maybe the Philadelphia officials are right. Eventually our phones will be making our dinner too by the sounds of it!


Media Convergence = Viral Marketing Tool

I was browsing Youtube the other day, listening to some music video's when i noticed an advertisement at the top of the homepage that i recognised. Mercedes-Benz recently launched an advertisement on the TV, that could also be found online. This sounds normal obviously, but the online campaign was in fact an interactive video called 'Escape the map' created by AMV BBDO, aiming to attract younger consumers. The audience had to play along to save themselves from being 'captured by the camera and regulated'. The people who took part in the online video or 'mission' were entered into a prize draw to win one of the new cars being advertised. I think this is a good example of media convergence in action, and how it can be used as an advertising tool within the industry.

The competition is now closed, but you can still log on and have a go of escaping the map yourself at http://escapethemap.com/


Interactive Media

Media convergence is constantly helping the viewer become more involved in the media they are experiencing. Inventions such as simple things like comment and feedback sections, blogs, and user generated content help viewers get their point across. Also their are more complex idea's like You-view TV incorporating internet and television, so viewers no longer need to two screen (being on a computer/smartphone whilst watching TV at the same time) as it will all be in one place. Therefore viewers can Tweet and Facebook the latest gossip on reality TV shows like 'X Factor' and 'I'm a celebrity' on just one screen. During a recent talk from Alex Connock (co-founder of Ten Alps), he showed us an interactive online video. Viewers can choose their own path and ending to the story, and the video has over 20 different versions the viewer could choose to watch. This is another example of media convergence and the audience having more control and input into what they see and hear.


There's the website, so log on and give it a try :)

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Internet Shopping

I needed a dress for this weekend to go to a party but because of assignment deadlines I've not had a chance to go shopping so I turned to internet shopping, what a saviour! I browsed several websites such as asos.com and boohoo.com for different style dresses and to compare the prices. After finding the perfect dress it was the easiest thing to place my order, all I had to do was fill in my details and card number and that was that, I ordered next day delivery so it arrived today just in time for tonight and I couldn't be happier.

Without media convergence I wouldn't have found that dress so I'm very grateful for it!

Monday, 5 December 2011


Mediamorphosis, Understanding New Media, by Roger Fidler helped me in finding the opportunities for the industry as a part of our group essay, as it explains how the media has adapted to the new technologies that constantly get developed. One of the relevant quotes I found in this book was,
     'All forms of communication media coexist and coevolve within an expanding, complex adaptive system. As each new form emerges and develops, it influences, over time and to varying degrees, the development of every other existing form.'

This helps to explain my points that I made in the essay of how news media has developed from paper, to the television and radio, and now onto the internet and phone applications, and I see this technology developing further into new forms that will change the industry, and society, again and again.
     Technology is unstoppable, and as long as there are scientists and experts to create it, it will continue to evolve and shape our industry.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Convergence At a Concert!

Last night I was lucky enough to go to the Key 103 Jingle Ball, and get VIP wristbands to go backstage. Whilst we was there, pieces were being recorded to be broadcast for the radio station such as interviews with the performers and backstage gossip. I thought this was really interesting and showed how media technology is growing, enabling radio to be broadcasted from outside a studio. As well as this, the audience were recording videos on their phones, meaning that there is less need for normal cameras, as it is all included in one device, however my problem with this was that the battery life runs down extremely quickly, so if you end up stranded in Manchester, this could be a problem!

Me and my friend backstage with JLS!

Romy :) x